Saturday, 8 December 2012

Winter is coming

So I wrote half of my thoughts out from last week but things have changed, well mostly the weather. You see not last week but the week before we had snow! SNOW!!! And it actually stuck it was cold out and white. I wasnt a lot, it was only like 3" but it was like minus 10 minus 14 during the week. However last weekend we got a heat wave that put us in the positive 5 area and it rained and so snow melted and brought out the mud. And so the past week has been warm and muddy other then our one day of cold. And so today again is warm and it rained last night. That is my weather report!!
As far as life, its pretty good, really uneventful. But thats life! Last weekend I was sorta sick. My body has started aching again and just very sore. My knees and hips and my tendinitis in my arm is back. And so sleep has been hard to find. Which makes the week not easy. When I am tired and impatient with the girls it does not make the days good. And so wed I realized this and really prayed for patience and i did and I was blessed with patience. Boy did I need it the girls are sick again and so aren't eating and aren't sleeping really. So we have had to change up their schedule because by 10 they are tired and since they don't eat not only are they tired but they are cranky because they need to eat. It's been a lot of fun!
Tonight there is a walk to Bethlehem performance in Montreal that I am going to with friends from church. It's in english even so that will be good for me at least. I am not too sure what it is but its something with christmas and the Christmas story. I have been told its singing and acting and really good. So should be fun!
I also made a pie last night. Blueberry even, with frozen blueberries and I made the crust. Not the greatest thing I have made but i challenged my self and we will see what people think. With ice cream it'll make it all better. I also have found time to make farmer brownies, and peanut butter blossom cookies this week. I find if I have nothing to do in the evenings I bake and I read what a thrilling life I live. Oh well could be worse.
Thats pretty much my life. Nothing too exciting! I am coming home in about 8 days so thats exciting. Only one week of work left and then a busy 2 weeks of being home. Next week is going to be a crazy week, Sara works sun and mon night so It will be a long monday and tuesday for me. Then we have doctors appointments in montreal on wed and thursday for the kids. So it will speed by I am sure.
Anywho look forward to seeing everyone and sharing more.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

The life I live...

So it`s been a while I know, but I have had little or no motivation to do anything that revolves writting. Sitting down and emailing anyone or writing letters or even my journey gets about 2 run on sentences a day. And so the blog just doesn`t get done. And I apoloqize. However my life has been busy ish, as busy as it can be. Last week I went to Ontario for the week all by my self, I left wed and stayed in Kingston and then continued to Hamiliton where I stayed with Vanessa from Cap. I was there till sunday. It was so nice to see familiar faces and just to relax for the week. I got to visit with Matt R and Jacob as well who went to England as well. It was nice to see them and catch up. PLUS I got to speak english ALL week!!!! No french! Which kinda is good but kinda bad. I was getting so good. It was to the point where I could sit in a conversation and actually take part of it. My brain wasn`t translating it into english before but rather immediately thinking in french. I am finding it easy to switch to french and speaking it has become a breeze. Well as breezy as can be. I still have a hard time reading and I still need to stop people to ask what words mean. But I can hang out with people and speak french and I actually enjoy it. That being said when I get home I`d prefer not to be asked to speak french, unless of course you are willing to have a full conversation in french. You see when an english person is like hey speak french you are like umm no what in the world do want me to say. It has to just happen. What are you suppose to say I cna say it but you wont understand it or be able to partake in a conversation so whats the point. Its like me speaking english with people here I can speak it but whats the point some may understand but most likely they wont. So yap French here and english at home!!! Well after that mild rant. The week before going to Toronto was crazy, I was invited over to people from churchs house left right and center which is no problem for me. I think it was somewhere after that week that I realized my french really improving. I went to a couples house and had dinner and drinks and played wii, they have a 2 month old and a 2 year old and its soo fun. And then the friday we went to montreal, Mcgill with a group from church and stayed up all night. And let me tell you I find that staying up all night is no issue. Its the morning after that my body feels it. We stayed up playing games all night, so we played dodge ball, hockey ( I didnt play hockey I was a cheerleader or according the boys I am pompom girl!) and then the girls played volleyball, walked around ate ice cream and went for a swim before then heading home at 6. I got back and the girls where waking up so I made them breakfast and ate something and finally went to bed at 9 and in turn could not sleep so I layed in bed till about 11 with about maybe an hour of rolling sleep. And I baked the best brownies, and apple crisp and went for a walk. All trying to stay awake because then Anabel from church was hosting a renewal of vows for 4 couples from church. So we ate and talked and played games and watched these couple renew their vows. Which was very cute. It was a fun evening and finally got home at 11 where I passed out!!! I was soo tired I had 1 hour of sleepin more then 48 hours plus about 6 cups of coffee. Crazy weekend. All that to say I think I have a few friends around here.
However its not the same I still miss my busy life at home always having something to do. I find myself at home at lot reading or baking or going out by myself which is fine but it does get old. I can`t complain too much. I love my job and am having a great time watching the girls grow. They are still running and climbing everywhere. The basement is their play room which is right by my room. My door also has a cat door which we took the door off, becuase the cats where being annoying in the middle of the night. But now every night before I go to bed I kinda tidy my room and I always come out with a few toys, some cars or books that the girls have brought in with them or push through the door. Its actually quite funny and I dont mind. The girls where really sick last  two weeks with colds and fevers. So not a good time. I however have not gotten sick halluaigh and thank you to cold f x and vitamin c and one a days. Trying to not get sick is a lot of work. Especially when kids sneeze on you and wipe boggers and snot all over you and then kiss you and yeah. I am surpised that I am not in bed feeling like crap. I am tired but not sick !! They are better now so they are sleeping and eating again and cuddling and kissing and running around all happy. No more random crying, well still some but better. Also we have started feeding the girls chunks now, which is a process let me tell you. Its not easy, some days they want pieces and some days like yesterday night they would only eat this big hunk of chicken. Defiantley takes a lot longer and a lot more patience. The girls are in their chairs for almost an hour. We put them down and give them meet, toffu or eggs and slowly they eat it and then followed by fruits and veg. And then when they start just playing with it we give them cheese and cheerios and then their milk. It take a lot of patience becuase they dont eat fast but you want them to. Which isnt good either. But I  found that with the girls you really can only give them one thing at a time or they wont eat. You have to give them one or two strawberries and maybe a piece of mango and let them eat it and then give them more. This week has been a learning experience all over again on how to feed kids. The other thing is I have started taking them for walks which really is more for my sanity and to make the day go a little faster. But in order to do that I gotta sweaat a little. It takes me half an hour to get the two girls dress in the winter attire and get them in their strollers and get myself ready. So they have to have these boots which are awful to put on their feet because they dont get the concept that you have to point and push so you must hope you actually get it in all the way. and then their is the snow suit which you have to make sure you change their diapers before and then put on their scarves and toques and mittens which dont stay on either. And by the time you are done you are so hot you have taken off your winter gear and half to put it on all over again. But it is worth it, cuase then we get to see sun and people and the outside. And we waste an hour and more.
But yeah thats a little of my life
Oh and I forgot to mention, I got to see great lake ontario and Niagra falls as well visit Toronto. I went shopping and bought a new big winter coat with fur on it. And really really cute boots. I love my boots. And I get to wear them all the time!!! Also its getting colder but not. Today was warm but next week is suppose to be about 0. And apparently we are suppose to see snow soon. But so far none. Just sun shine and blue skies and cold wonderful air. Well the air here, somedays has a hint of bread smell. Or its fermenting yeast, that comes from the big alchol factory in town.
And I come home in less them a month, which is exciting!! I hope all is well with everyone!!
Love ya and miss ya

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Lukewarm coffee!

I would like a lukewarm, almost cold cup of coffee!! Said no one ever. Well maybe in the summer with some ice in it. But not a winter drink. Yet this is how I have come to know my coffee. I was never really a coffee drinker until I realized it was helping to have when trying to stay awake. But at first it was want some coffee with your sugar and cream and now a days its straight black and hope that you get it while its hot. I have accepted the fact that if I want a hot coffee I must wake up before the kids and so I still don't do that because its not worth it. I will take every moment of sleep I can get. (when my body allows) I have also accepted the fact that on a normal morning I will either have to microwave this cup of coffee at least once and up to 5 times before I give up on drinking it. That or it may never be finished and the sink will get to drink its glorious wonderful taste while I will miss out once again. I of course don't make this coffee till after I feed the girls but something happens, someone falls, or wants milk or they start fighting and in comes super Nanny, or Nanny mo. And the storm is calmed and I get back to my coffee and breakfast 30 mins later. Thats my life and I am okay with it.
So it's been a while but time here seems to fly and before you know it you are the weekend already!!! It doesn't feel like its been a week since I went to Chapters and spent hours looking at books and then drinking coffee and relaxing but it has. Last weekend, I was home alone. And Boy what a weird feeling that is. I got home from yoga friday morning and they had left already. It was eery coming home and having no one there. But they left and I was then left to figure out what to do and so I took my sweet sweet time getting ready, watched tv in the middle of the day. Which is a small gift, when there are kids around all the time. And then I went shopping and I actually went out for a walk to this family from churches house and had dinner there and talked before my night out with this friend from church. So I dont know if I mentioned it before but I have a friend and his name is David. But with a french accent. And he goes to the church I found and the small group and he is a boy and plays the drums and that is all I am going to say. We are friends. And its nice to have found a friend. On the other hand I have been reading a lot lately and in the book "Crazy Love" it says 'Most of us have too much going on in our lives...too much of the good life ends up being toxic, deforming us spiritually' I know random but it spoke to me. I was realizing that while it is not bad to have things in life and that is is good to be busy. That at the same time my life at home in BC was that. It was what he said it was toxic. I was always busy always doing things never home never with my family. Never with God I never sat down and just thought or went for a walk to talk with God or just be alone. It was always a scary thought, to just be alone. Because when I am alone the worst thoughts come to mind, I always start to worry and stress and analysis things and I don't enjoy it. It would make me feel worse and so I love to fill my time with people and work and things where I don't have to think. However this isn't good I was making my life toxic to me spiritually. I was empty and its a weird thing to say after spending 6 months in a bible school where you are on a spiritual high and then to drop its scary. And I dropped and didn't know what to do. So I left i came to a place where I knew no one and its like a child going to school for the first time, not knowing what to expect, not knowing anyone and then slowly getting to know people. And I am slowly getting to know people but in the mean while I am taking my time to be alone and relax and ponder and become okay with being alone for a short while. Today is another alone day and it doesn't scare me as much as it used to. I enjoy going out for coffee alone and reading and catching up on things you cant do with people. Not to say I want to spend all my time alone, I look forward to church and small group every week, I look forward to going out to meet with people or spending time with Sara and Andre. However I am not desperate to have a million and one friends here. I am content with having a few, for now. Plus I could never replace the ones back home thats for sure!!
Anyway back to life Saturday was a chapters and starbucks day followed by baking and movie watching. And sunday was church where there was two baptisms and lunch that followed. As well as a relationship course in french of course. I went to it and afterwards my brain hurt. And its not on relationships like girlfriend boyfriend but rather between people in your life. I am thinking ill go again if not to just get out and see people and listen to french. I am hoping it gets easier, it already has but sometimes if I listen to too much french it cause my brain to almost explode.
This week was pretty calm, not a lot going on. Well other then Halloween on wed night and small group on tuesday. I brought my cookies on tuesday and they where as big a hit as ever. Everyone loved them, they all got eaten. And then Halloween we did a fireman theme. So J was our firefighter and the girls where dalmatians and me and S made a burning building for A and then we made a fire hydrant and fire truck. None of our costumes where never worn at the same time but they were cute none the less. I stayed in the with girls and S while A and  J where out in the garage handing out candies. We bought 150$ in candy and there was none left and there was still people coming around. There was so many kids come around, the streets where packed. Fun night, kinda crazy, since the girls have been cranky all week. Friday was the worst they decided they where going to scream at the top of their lungs for 5 mins straight with no reason, I tried everything and in the end it was decided it was nap time, Hallelujah!!! And now its saturday and its a Starbucks day, with my Christmas drink and my books and booking my flight back to Montreal after Christmas. I have my flight home I fly home on the 17th so start the count down!!! And I am home for two weeks!!!! Oh and I was reminded by my mother that 51 days till Christmas!!! Well love ya lots and home you enjoy your weekend and week to come!!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Crazy Quebecers!!!!

I keep postphoning and rain checking this new update. For some reason every time I sit down to write I can`t think of what to say or how to say it. Plus about half of it comes out in french. Meanwhile while I got about my day I come up with all sorts of things I want you to know and so finally I made a list and I can sorta remember.
Let me start of by saying people here are crazy, hence the title. When I say crazy I mean they do things weird. For instance it is common to have a beer say a coors light and then add tomato juice to it. Totally normal. I dont know if this is common at home but not something I say I have heard about too much. Also they kiss on both cheeks here. When you say hello and good bye, both male and female, old and youngish. The kids kiss you right on the mouth. And if you happen to do a little dance of the head, you may accidently almost kissing lips on to the guy in front of you. Must admit, it happened to me, only once but with a guy who I see every week at church and small group. It was quite funny, needless to say. Also my last and main reason I say Quebec people are crazy is their ability to drive. They lack this ability to drive properly and so if I come home and start driving with you and you think wow you are a bad driver. No its only the fact that you must fit in here, if you drive, you must drive like everyone else. And by everyone else I say drive 10 or 20 over the limit normal and if you dont well prepare for extra light in the eyes and maybe a few trail bumps. Another thing, mom I know you will froan upon this but stop signs, are really yeild signs. So watch out at a four way stop. People dont stop for 3 seconds or even one second. Its more like a roll slowly and speed off. But I understand why. First of if you drive strandard so much easier and second seriously the gouvernment of Quebec went crazy with the stop signs. They are every where and anywhere and yes they are good but it is not necessary to have a three way stop at every road the intersects the main road. That was a little of the road issue, they also like to merge and merge anywhere. And Montreal has the worst highways and road system  ever, it really makes no sense!! But Quebec roads are like driving and consistently having a butt massage.
In saying this all I still love it here. I love the job that I do and the church that I go to. I love the opportunity that I have.  I got to go visit Janaya this past weekend which is a 2 hour drive I made it there and back and driving through Montreal with out getting lost and only stalling once. It was overrall a good weekend, was nice to see a few familiar faces and once again the west coast fraservalley, had the majority of people at Capernwray!!! There were 4 other people from Chilliwack and abby. Go us. Not that its a contest. I must say through that This Capernwray totally different. 20 people instead of 170 people makes so much of a difference. A lot of the weekend I was reminded of my experience in England and was missing it a lot. But everyone there was supper nice and it was very relaxing. It was good to get back home on sunday night and get to see my babies on monday!!
The kids are doing well!! E was walking when I got here and her speed is just increasing with time. Where Z wasnt walking at first but now she walks as much as her sister which is cool to see. They are eating and pooping like only humans can do. We have this tendancy to get more food on there clothes then there should be and all over their faces. But its fun. They are starting to get to know me more and trust me. The other day S had a old childhood friend over and the friend came up when the girls woke up and when I fisihed changing E  I gave her to the friend to hold. However it wasnt quite what E wanted instead she screamed and loud untill I picked her up and she looked at me like who in the world is that and dont you dare put me down again while she is here! It was bad but kinda funny at the same time. Both the girls will come up to me if I am sitting on the floor and they will full out hug me, sit on me with their arms around and start laughing and smiling. Prolly the best thing ever. That and when they come and kiss you right on your lips and then starting laughing. They are adorable. So cute. I am slightly in lovce with them and dont know how I will go two weeks with out them over christmas. They will grow and change so much.
Anything about life here, I cook and clean. Imagine that. I mostly do a little bit of light house work and then I help S make dinner. Its great she reads out what I have to do and I chop and she puits it all together, Sometimes we will even start speaking french. Thats another thing my french so much better I start thinking it and then writing it. I`ll be writing and it will come out french and i will have to try and focus on what the words are in English. Also small groups I am able to for the most part hold up a conversation with people. I even had a guy ask me if I wanted to hang out sometime and be friends!!! Yeah me I am making friends!! Love it!!! Don`t worry all of you back home I could never replace you !!! I really do like it out here. I knew I would learn things. I knew for fact I would learn to take care of kids and all that involves around that and learning french. But I didnt realize I would be learning to cook, drive standard, learning how to make friends, and as well I never thought I would learn soo much biblically and grow in my faith even more. Oh I have also learned how to tell the twins appart better then their grandparents. And S says I am picking up how to read the twins faster then she thought possible.
Well thats a quick update on life!! Missing you guys lots and thank you for your emails and prayers and thoughts. I wish you could all come and visit. Please continue to pray for the friendships, for the people I am in contact with , the health of the family and of me as well for Quebec. Quebec is in a dark dark place.
Lots of love! Je tàdore!!!!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Life is full of experiences!!

Life lesson, when dealing with kids, Prepare everything in advance!! So from having dinner out and ready half hour before to making sure you have all the bed time things ready. If you want to go and say be there for 10 and say it takes 15 mins to get there well start getting ready at 9 15 at least. One of the lessons I learned early on. If  you have it already before it is needed the world runs a little smoother there is a lot less screaming and a lot happier kids.
Also so my life lately is great fanatastic. I really like t out here. I wasn`t to sure if I would. But I love this family, the kids are adorable, a lot of work but a lot of fun as well. The parents are extremely kind and great to work for. I found an amazing church, everyone is super friendly and there are a few kids about my age. They do a spiritual family group once a week which is a bigger blessing then I could have ever asked for. It gives me a chance to get to know a specific group of people in my area on a deeper level. Plus helps me practice my french as well understand what was talked about on sunday.
Last weekend we went to a wedding of S`s cousin up between Quebec and Montreal. Very fun I must say, IT was loud and lots of kids and lots of french. We ate, we danced and we celebrated. Her family was very kind and understanding and would talk with me and dance with me. Very nice. We also went to S`s Godchilds birthday. The whole weekend was french so by sunday oh boy did my brain hurt just a little. It was very fun and different and nice to get away.
This weekend, there was nothing going on so I watched The Help, I just finished the book so I figured I`d see how the movie stood up. Then Saturday I went off on an adventure! I went to Montreal all by my self and had a grand old time. Love love love!!! I didn`t ever realize how much I enjoy going places by my self sometimes. Its very freeing. I went and parked at Oylmpic Stadium went up the tower looked over Montreal. Came down got directions and hopped on the metro. IT reminded me of Winter travels all over again, just this time no Christy, Brianna or Zach. Paris metro is a lot dirtier as well. I took the metro down to Vieulle Montréal!! And literally walked around there for 4 hours. Went in shops, got coffee and walked along the St Laurent Riviéré. It was an excellent day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue with perfectly shaped clouds. It was cool and warm the perfect fall day.
Side note. Fall around here is amazing, trully beautiful. At home yes trees change colours but not all of them. Here they almost all do. So anywhere you look it is a mixture of yellow, red, orange and greens. With leaves falling and blowing all around you. Could ask for anything better!
So after walking for hours, I had hit this store, which was called Walk in, Montreal is pretty much english, You can find the odd persons who speak only french but most people speak both. Anyway this store has accesories, far better then Accesorize in Europe. It is little and cute and I may have found a perfect red head bando  ( ear warmer) and a lovely scarf. The girl there was about my age and we got to talk and exchanged numbers said if I was in montreal again we should go for coffee and meet up. I had asked if she had time for dinner but she got of late and had homework to do in the evening. Imagine people doing homework!! I know everyone else but me is all up in school work! The piles apparently keep building and yet for me the only homework I have is remembering all that I have to get down in a day. I dont mind through not a real fan of school anway.
Well thats a quick update on life. Oh I have learned to drive stick and so all week after work I have been practicing I made my way to the nearest starbucks which is half hour away. I took a minor detour and only stalled about half a dozen times. Still need more practice.
Please pray for patience and energy for me with the kids as well pray for S she has been asking questions about Christian living vs catholic. As well she has been reading her Bible so pray that both me and her can countinue and find the time to read. Oh I need sleep for some reason I have been un able to sleep, last night I was awake practically all night till pretty much an hour before I had to wake up for church. I need to be awake and rested for the week. I have some praise items for the Church as I said they are amazing really what I was praying for and more. They have invited me to go to Starfield and another event in Montreal. They are very open in including me and helping me with my french. Also one of the older guys sister who is 20 was down this weekend and she is really amazing. So nice I talked to her for about half an hour and almost all in french!! Last thing for my french it needs to get better. I want to be able to partake and feel comfortable talking with people. To have normal conversations. Thank you guys for everything. Love you lots and lots and miss you dearly. Thinking of all you who are in school!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Naptime oh yeah !!!!!

If you don`t have kids of have kids who are old enough to fend for themselves I think you forget baout naps. I napped all through Highschool and while I was in England but not becasue I had to but rather it was something to do. I was tired so I thought I`d lie down but really didn`t need to. However after look after 2 one year olds you realize that when they take a nap it is like party in your brain. Seriously, When you get 2 hours to your self to do whatever it is proabably the best two hours you will ever have in a day. Well not really but it is the quietest and yet those two hours are never long enough. Yesterday we made a list of things to do during naptime. One of them was to shower. Showers now a days are few and far between. No need to really a baby doesnt care how you look and the time it takes, well you don`t have that time in the morning and before bed you are too tired so you jsut lay and watch tv. So nap time great time to clean yourself. Also during nap time dish washer yes it  gets down during this tim,e. I am finding out that as soon as that door opens you have about 1 minute to take everything out and put everything in before you have two kids coming over to play with the door, climb on it and pull things out. Yes they are a fantastic help and soo cute but really nicer to do it with out the battle. Cleaning and making things get done as well during this time. But between the things that need to be done you also have the choice to nap your self. What better way to spend your day then having a nap with the kids. I know I have a job to do I am getting paid to nap doesn`t seem fair. You don`t get paid to sit at work, or sleep at work, well some people do. But not everyday. If I wanted I could nap for 2 hours every day. I dont think I will. If I let myself not sleep by about 8pm I am ready for bed.  So by 9 I sleep like a baby.
Anywho a little ramble for the day!!

Monday, 1 October 2012

Here comes the weekend!!

So it`s sunday after my first week and boy what a different week it is compared to my normal life. I think it is so different and exhausting that you cant realoly miss home. There is no time. There is always 3 children who are near by. You can`t sleep past 7:30 with out hearing the pitter patter of little feet. And yes when that time hits you are never ready to wake up. Yet its worse to stay laying in bed then to get up and join them, I have found that even on saturday you might as well get up. If you lie there hearing the noise you cuss the noise but as soon as you go up and join and see the beautiful smiley faces running around and having fun you can`t help but join. And so I have cut out half my sleep to play with kids and so then when kids nap oh boy it is a house hold nap. One of the best parts sometimes is having that nap so that you have energy for the rest of the day.
Enough about sleeping and naps, Friday evening I went out and saw the town of Valleyfeild with S we had a little date night, S is the mom. And so far she is one of my only friends in this town and I love sitting and talking with her. We tried to find a café but no such thing. Seriously this place does not do coffee. They have placees where you can have wine and cheese or beer and food. They do it like the Europeons. Saturday my day off was not a day off really because I don`t have much to do I join the family. I am fine with this we went apple picking in the morning and then I went out with A and S while a babysitter watched the kids. Crazy right. To have a nanny and then hire a babyistter. Well they wanted me to meet A family and also whether they hire a babysitter or I watch the kids they would have to pay extra becuase it is my day off. So we went and had wine and cheese and talked with a bunch of people I have never meet before. It was a party in this big house and it was for A`s brother-in-law and father who are hiking the tallest mountain in Africa and doing a Safari with this organization. It was fun and weird. But A dressed in a home made elephant costume and S dressed as a lepreod slash cheetha.
Sunday morning I pulled myself out of bed so me and S could go to the church that we looked into. It is a baptist church but its the closest you will find to a menno church around here. Everything else is Catholique. And so this church that we went to looks like a house. It is tiny and so we didnt think people went. But what do you know it is an up and running church we had called before and gotten information on times and how big of a congergation it was and it was a good 100 people or so, of all cages. It was so incredibly welcoming everyone came and said hi and introduced themselves and gave a hug. Then at the end of the service they talked and invited us to their local small group thing. And then it was two kisses one on each cheek and a good bye. I think I will continue to go even if half of the message does not make any sense. Still a good way to practice my french and meet people.
Also news A and S just got a new car and it is standard and I do not know how to drive it but I have to learn and quickly if I want to go anyway. So by the time I get home I will be able to watch kids and change diapers, speak amazing french and drive a standard car!!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

First days

Well a quick update becuase that is really all I have. The twins are napping and J is daycare. My days right now seem to be much the same. Today was much more chaotic then yesterday. There was a lot more screaming kids. The twins are phrasing out of first nap time and so when I tried to put them to bed they failed and defeated me and so they got some magic cheerios. For who ever doesnt know kids, apparently they are magic. Give a screaming kid a few cheerios, its as is you are the most amazing thing on this planet. Milk and toys doe the same trick but only half the time.
I got a tour of Valleyfeild, which is what they call the place I am staying its really Salaberry-deValleyfeild but thats a mouth full. And have been treated pretty good, I have a bedroom in the basement with bed and dressers with enough room for all my clothes. It`s pretty comfortable. The house is nice and homey and the parents are wonderful. They actually speakl english to each other and me and then french to their children so its a lot of back and forth but I can still be part of the conversation. The twins don`t quite speak yet but J speaks in full sentences and only french which is funny becuase all day A and S speak english but he only understands french. So I get to practice my frnch with a two year old. Which is fun.
I have also realized that even through my day is 8-4 my day really go longer then that. Which is fine by me becuase I get 2 hours of downtime anyway when they get naps. If I decided to not hang out with them then I am alone. So right now it`s just better to be with the family instead of hiding myself away. I am not forced to at all I cna go or do whatever when I am done. Its just fun to play or what ever. Once I get a little more comfortable I might go out and explore. But I feel still like I am getting my balance in life here.
So in a day I feed the kids at 8 and dress myself
milk Playtime and walks
naptime diaperchange
playtime lunch
done. Well for me at least. My days are pretty uneventful but very busy yesterday by naptime both me and Sara had naps and then I went to bed at like 10. If I sleep well and have coffee in the morning I seem to be fine for the rest of the day.
The next few weekends are crazy for them. I dont work on the weekends but since I dont have much else to do. I am going to go with them to cornwall, toronto and Quebec city.
Anywho thats it for now, love ya and keep praying for strentgh and well being.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Night before the Grand Adventure!

So last year today I arrived in England. This seems to be a popular facebook statement, give or take a few words. It's an annoying phase to say the least but there is no other way to put it. It is the truth of the matter and among 170 students who all had an amazing life changing experience, it's kinda on your mind. A year ago my life began to change. But really lets think about it, our lives have been changing since we were born. Not only has our body changed but our characters have changed and so last year was a crazy year. One that I will never forget. I had wrote on the last blog I was closing one chapter and opening another. Once again that is what I will be doing, however the chapters are actually still open to be read but just not rewritten. I don't think I would rewrite them even if they were in pencil. Well a little rant. Anywho I lost my train of thought....
Well my facebook status would look a little different, "A year ago I arrived at a castle with the unknown infront of me and wack load of weird faces, But before long it became the most wonderful time of my life and so this year I will not be going to England but rather I will be embarking on another life changing experience in Quebec as a Nanny!!!!" Go me! Well I hope I can do it because the ticket is bought and the seat is reserved. The bags are packed the people are notified and I have said my final goodbyes. There is no turning back now, so wish me luck and a whole lot of patience....
I am excited don't get me wrong but still I am freaked out, FREAKED out but EXCITED. Two very different but very big emotions.
I must say as well I did have one of the best past weeks in a long time. It was full of visiting with different people. Walking around Van City, Sleepovers+Shopping, Trips to PG+Sister+Dogs, Dinners and more food and more food, Indian food/Girls night out with laughter and smiles. I saw friends who have meant the world to me. These are the people who have had an impact on my life, they have been there through a lot and they will be there when I return. As one of them said, we made it through one year I am sure we can do another. And so I will miss them dearly but I know they will never be too far away (especially with this thing called technology).
Good bye for now

Friday, 21 September 2012

Pre leaving

It's only a matter of days before I head out once again. On a journey that is both exciting and yet so scary at the same time. I guess not really scary but rather nerve wracking. It has almost been ago that I left to make my way over to England, before I left I had no clue what I was doing. I thought many time of how I should stay and much like last time my brain is saying I am crazy. Of course not because I didn't want to go but rather leaving what I am comfortable with. I didn't want to leave my friends and family. This year seems harder one because my friends are staying home and last year they left with me. Also this year is going to be so much harder to make friends when I leave. I am up for the challenge!! This next year will be full of them.

I have one last weekend home full of craziness and really not a clue what I have left to do. I do still have to pack but that can wait till Monday and then I must leave Tuesday.