So it`s been a while I know, but I have had little or no motivation to do anything that revolves writting. Sitting down and emailing anyone or writing letters or even my journey gets about 2 run on sentences a day. And so the blog just doesn`t get done. And I apoloqize. However my life has been busy ish, as busy as it can be. Last week I went to Ontario for the week all by my self, I left wed and stayed in Kingston and then continued to Hamiliton where I stayed with Vanessa from Cap. I was there till sunday. It was so nice to see familiar faces and just to relax for the week. I got to visit with Matt R and Jacob as well who went to England as well. It was nice to see them and catch up. PLUS I got to speak english ALL week!!!! No french! Which kinda is good but kinda bad. I was getting so good. It was to the point where I could sit in a conversation and actually take part of it. My brain wasn`t translating it into english before but rather immediately thinking in french. I am finding it easy to switch to french and speaking it has become a breeze. Well as breezy as can be. I still have a hard time reading and I still need to stop people to ask what words mean. But I can hang out with people and speak french and I actually enjoy it. That being said when I get home I`d prefer not to be asked to speak french, unless of course you are willing to have a full conversation in french. You see when an english person is like hey speak french you are like umm no what in the world do want me to say. It has to just happen. What are you suppose to say I cna say it but you wont understand it or be able to partake in a conversation so whats the point. Its like me speaking english with people here I can speak it but whats the point some may understand but most likely they wont. So yap French here and english at home!!! Well after that mild rant. The week before going to Toronto was crazy, I was invited over to people from churchs house left right and center which is no problem for me. I think it was somewhere after that week that I realized my french really improving. I went to a couples house and had dinner and drinks and played wii, they have a 2 month old and a 2 year old and its soo fun. And then the friday we went to montreal, Mcgill with a group from church and stayed up all night. And let me tell you I find that staying up all night is no issue. Its the morning after that my body feels it. We stayed up playing games all night, so we played dodge ball, hockey ( I didnt play hockey I was a cheerleader or according the boys I am pompom girl!) and then the girls played volleyball, walked around ate ice cream and went for a swim before then heading home at 6. I got back and the girls where waking up so I made them breakfast and ate something and finally went to bed at 9 and in turn could not sleep so I layed in bed till about 11 with about maybe an hour of rolling sleep. And I baked the best brownies, and apple crisp and went for a walk. All trying to stay awake because then Anabel from church was hosting a renewal of vows for 4 couples from church. So we ate and talked and played games and watched these couple renew their vows. Which was very cute. It was a fun evening and finally got home at 11 where I passed out!!! I was soo tired I had 1 hour of sleepin more then 48 hours plus about 6 cups of coffee. Crazy weekend. All that to say I think I have a few friends around here.
However its not the same I still miss my busy life at home always having something to do. I find myself at home at lot reading or baking or going out by myself which is fine but it does get old. I can`t complain too much. I love my job and am having a great time watching the girls grow. They are still running and climbing everywhere. The basement is their play room which is right by my room. My door also has a cat door which we took the door off, becuase the cats where being annoying in the middle of the night. But now every night before I go to bed I kinda tidy my room and I always come out with a few toys, some cars or books that the girls have brought in with them or push through the door. Its actually quite funny and I dont mind. The girls where really sick last two weeks with colds and fevers. So not a good time. I however have not gotten sick halluaigh and thank you to cold f x and vitamin c and one a days. Trying to not get sick is a lot of work. Especially when kids sneeze on you and wipe boggers and snot all over you and then kiss you and yeah. I am surpised that I am not in bed feeling like crap. I am tired but not sick !! They are better now so they are sleeping and eating again and cuddling and kissing and running around all happy. No more random crying, well still some but better. Also we have started feeding the girls chunks now, which is a process let me tell you. Its not easy, some days they want pieces and some days like yesterday night they would only eat this big hunk of chicken. Defiantley takes a lot longer and a lot more patience. The girls are in their chairs for almost an hour. We put them down and give them meet, toffu or eggs and slowly they eat it and then followed by fruits and veg. And then when they start just playing with it we give them cheese and cheerios and then their milk. It take a lot of patience becuase they dont eat fast but you want them to. Which isnt good either. But I found that with the girls you really can only give them one thing at a time or they wont eat. You have to give them one or two strawberries and maybe a piece of mango and let them eat it and then give them more. This week has been a learning experience all over again on how to feed kids. The other thing is I have started taking them for walks which really is more for my sanity and to make the day go a little faster. But in order to do that I gotta sweaat a little. It takes me half an hour to get the two girls dress in the winter attire and get them in their strollers and get myself ready. So they have to have these boots which are awful to put on their feet because they dont get the concept that you have to point and push so you must hope you actually get it in all the way. and then their is the snow suit which you have to make sure you change their diapers before and then put on their scarves and toques and mittens which dont stay on either. And by the time you are done you are so hot you have taken off your winter gear and half to put it on all over again. But it is worth it, cuase then we get to see sun and people and the outside. And we waste an hour and more.
But yeah thats a little of my life
Oh and I forgot to mention, I got to see great lake ontario and Niagra falls as well visit Toronto. I went shopping and bought a new big winter coat with fur on it. And really really cute boots. I love my boots. And I get to wear them all the time!!! Also its getting colder but not. Today was warm but next week is suppose to be about 0. And apparently we are suppose to see snow soon. But so far none. Just sun shine and blue skies and cold wonderful air. Well the air here, somedays has a hint of bread smell. Or its fermenting yeast, that comes from the big alchol factory in town.
And I come home in less them a month, which is exciting!! I hope all is well with everyone!!
Love ya and miss ya
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